Testimonials That Say It All

Feedback from staff and students who have seen our presentation.

If you have seen the Lost and Found Road Safety Campaign assembly in your school, please complete the feedback form below. We appreciate your time in providing us with useful comments.

"I realised how suddenly things can go from fun to a life-threatening situation. I learned to be careful on the roads and was inspired to stay safe.

Great job with the delivery, it was very heartfelt."

Year 11 Student

"The presentation made me think about how careful i need to be on the roads and how much attention is needed.

I felt very moved and sympathetic after the assembly"

Year 11 Student

"It's hard to hear how a loved one can be lost so quickly. I personally feel very sad for all involved and i wish the roads were safer for everyone.

Learn proper road safety and always be aware of your surroundings, driving or not."

Year 11 Student

"It made me think about how dangerous driving can be. I learned how dangerous the roads are and that they need to be taken seriously.

Thank you for teaching me the responsibility of driving and how it can impact others."

Year 11 Student

"The assembly made me think deeply about my actions and how it could impact heavily on other people. I will be cautious and follow the law.

It's a heartbreaking story, take the presentation in and always drive with care."

Year 11 Student

"It made me think to always be careful no matter what i'm doing on the roads. It was emotional to hear the story but i will always drive safely in all conditions.

Jordanna will always be there and you're doing a good thing as people will think before they act."

Year 11 Student