Welcome to

The Lost and Found Road Safety Campaign

We deliver a 40 minute road safety assembly to Year 11 and post 16 students. The aim of the assembly is to give students skills and knowledge linked to road safety and how to be safe while driving.


Talks given





Why we exist?

On 15th November 2014, many peoples lives were changed forever when five teenagers tragically lost their lives in a road traffic accident in Doncaster.

Now one mum and a close family friend who is also a teacher in Doncaster, have joined forces in an attempt to tell a heart-breaking story about Jordanna, one of the teenagers to lose her life in this accident.

Jordanna (Jordy) was simply perfect. She had the most beautiful smile. She was kind and full of life. She lit up any room she walked in to. Jordy loved to dance and her dream was to go to university to study performing arts.

Jordanna's Legacy

Outwood Academy Adwick are championing the "Lost and Found Campaign".

We will make Jordanna proud and make sure that her memory lives on.

If we can touch just one person's life from our presentation and make them think about their actions when they sit behind a wheel of a car then our job is done.

Jordanna's legacy is to ensure through Vicki, her mum and Vicky a close family friend, a clear preventitive message about the impact of road traffic accidents and the heartbreak that is left behind is not felt by other families and communities.