Vicki McCarthy

Jordy's Mum

I was born in Doncaster and raised by my amazing parents Paul & Mary, I attended local schools before completing my GCSEs at Danum School.

At the age of 18 I gave birth to my daughter Jordanna followed by Charlie and then Blu. Since Blu has been in full time education I have always worked, I currently work full time for a railway company where I have been for the last 10 years.

In November 2014 our lives changed forever when Jordana was fatally injured in a road traffic accident. She had gone out with her friends and was on the way to meet some others when the accident occurred.

For a number of years after the accident I felt helpless and had a huge void in my life which is still there and always will be, but In 2021 Vicky asked me if I'd help her deliver a presentation on road safety and the impact tragedy has on families to the sixth formers at her school. After hesitating for a good while as this is something way out of my comfort zone, I finally agreed hoping that something positive might come out of such devastation.

Even though this was very emotional, very short and simple we got the message across. Since then we have delivered this message as Jordanna’s legacy to many students in the hope that they will make safer choices when they are driving. The presentation that we now give has been developed since that initial delivery and much more content has been added.

I feel more confident now when delivering the presentation as I am passionate about speaking to young people about accident prevention.

I hope this campaign “lost & found” prevents parents/families having to live the nightmare we live every day.

Vicky Swiffen

Jordy's Teacher & Family Friend

I have lived in Doncaster all of my life. As a student I attended Don Valley High School.

After securing my teaching degree at Liverpool John Moores University, I first started teaching Physical Education at Outwood Academy Danum in the year 2000.

In 2005 I became Head of Year at Danum. In 2017 I began working at Outwood Academy Adwick. This is still my place of work.

I have an unshakable belief that young people have a right to education and to be educated. With the support of Vicki and Jordy, I hope we can make student's realise that actions can have consequences .

We want to give students key information which can help them make better choices when driving. I never want a school, community, teacher, family, friend or parent to ever experience a similar tragedy.

Jordanna's blanky. Half is with Jordy and Vicki (Jordy's mum) has the other half.

Jordy with her brother Charlie

Jordy with her brother Blu


  • Outwood Grange Academies Trust - Outwood Academy Adwick for helping us get this campaign up and running.
  • Andy Scruby, Principal of Outwood Academy Adwick. His staff and students strongly encouraged this presentation to be delivered far and wide.
  • Emma Addy for helping us collate the content for the website.
  • Andy Whittaker, South Yorkshire Police Family Liason Officer for providing invaluable support and promoting our campaign.
  • Rob Hughes of RH Print Services Ltd for help, advice and the design and print of our business cards.
  • James Taylor of Pixelish for designing, building and maintaining this website.
  • Family and friends for their love and support over the past 9 years